Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank You Volunteers and Legacy Society Members!

Thank You Volunteers and Charter Legacy Society Members!

Volunteers and Charter Legacy Society Members enjoying a special appreciation event

Earlier this month, the Valley Animal Center hosted a special after-hours event to honor the Volunteers and Legacy Society members who have helped make our organization's dreams a reality since the begining.

Charter Members of the Valley Animal Center Legacy Society

Special awards were presented to these outstanding Volunteers, and the Legacy Society Charter Members were introduced. We are especially grateful to these individuals who have included the Valley Animal Center in their estate plans to ensure that our animals are cared for in the years to come.

If you are interested in joining the Valley Animal Center Legacy Society, or would like more information about planning your estate, please contact Director of Development Kelly Joos at (559) 233-8690, or email

The Shelter Staff with the Valley Animal Center's Youth Volunteer Humane Hero Nominee, Riley

Even if you aren't ready to begin planning your estate, you can make a difference by volunteering in our shelter. If you are 12 or older, and want to become a volunteer, please attend our next Volunteer Orientation Meeting on Tuesday, April 28th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. For more information, contact the Administrative Office at (559) 233-8690.

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